Donald J. Trump Foot Is on Our Necks!

Have you heard about Trump's 2021 budget proposal released February 10th.? This President will not stop until he get rid of your federal job, reduce your paid leave and retirement benefits and cut your pay.
My grandmother once told me, "a closed mouth don't get fed". It means if you don't ask for what you want, you can't expect to get it.
Now is the time for YOUR voice to be heard! Call both sides of Congress (Democrats and Republicans) and let them know that you are a registered voter and you don't agree with Trump's 2021 budget proposal cuts. Remember this is about your livelihood. Siting back and do nothing is NOT an option if you want to be able to live instead of just surviving.
Here's the number to the House and Senate. No script needed, be yourself.
House (833) 494-6088
Senate (833) 267-7299
The VA must not be PRIVATIZED!!!