In our internal polling, AFGE members told us what the most important issues were to them in the 2020 election. You can see below that, for members of our union, rights in the workplace, pensions and retirements, and pay were the top issues.

For AFGE members who are concerned during this election about providing for themselves and their families, protecting their rights at work, being able to perform their job without undue political influence, and ensuring the security of their pay, benefits, and retirement, Joe Biden is the clear choice. That’s why AFGE is proud to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden for president of the United States.
In our polling, 63% of AFGE members said our union should endorse a candidate for president, and only 22% were opposed.

In two internal polls, open to all AFGE members, the overwhelming majority of our members expressed support for Joe Biden as the nominee. When every member was given the opportunity to vote, our members supported Joe Biden over Donald Trump by over 30 points – 58.4% for Biden compared to 28% for Trump.
In our scientific poll, in which results were weighted to accurately reflect the demographic makeup of our union, the results were even more dramatic. In that poll, Biden led among AFGE members by 45 points, 62% for Biden over just 17% for Trump.

Joe Biden is the clear choice of the vast majority of AFGE members in this election because he speaks to the issues our members care most about. In his responses to AFGE members’ questions, Vice President Biden committed to roll back the assaults on government workers’ rights on the job, to protect their benefits and retirement from cost-sharing schemes that benefit insurance companies and big banks but hurt workers, and to make sure government workers are paid fairly and treated with dignity, fairness and respect.
Because former Vice President Biden is the overwhelming choice of our members, because of his strong commitment to protecting our members’ rights, retirements, benefits and pay, and because of President Trump’s disastrous record on these issues, we are proud to endorse Joe Biden for President. We encourage our members to join us in the Labor 2020 campaign to elect Joe Biden and other advocates for federal and D.C. government workers.
Together, we will win!
Source: AFGE.org